Apollo Theatre Center
Full house attended production by talented cast
Die voordele van Eierwit
Komiese drama
Moontlik gemaak deur NATi, die LW Hiemstra Trust, Clemengold en KWV
MET Marion Holm en Margit Meyer-Rödenbeck TEKS Retief Scholtz REGIE Tara Notcutt VERHOOGBESTUURDER Mariska Meyer VERVAARDIGER Arena Produksiehuis & Handyminds
'Hutchinson: Shunted'
A documentary film about memory,
perception and reality.
by Eric Miller & Laurine Platzky
Hutchinson is a railway junction about 10Km from Victoria West in South Africa’s Northern Cape Province, on the main route between Johannesburg and Cape Town.
The history, growth and decline of the community tracks that of the South African Railways from the early 1900s, through the height of SA Railways growth in the 1950s to 1970s, and into the declining years from the 1980s to the present.
In its heyday, Hutchinson was a coal and water refuelling stop for almost 50 passenger and over 100 freight trains a week. This rail traffic and the rail links to the surrounding districts supported a thriving town with several small businesses, schools and a hotel.
By the 1960s and for the next two decades the SA Railways was the single biggest employer in the country.
67 Minute by Ouma Miki
Die vrywillige personeel van die Apollo Teater het op 18 Julie 2019 by Ouma Mike van Victoria-Wes 'n besoek gebring nadat sy gedurende die week 'n 105 jaar oud geword het.Donasies van Nuri, Best Price, Karoo Organic Meats en die Apollo Teater is aan
haar oorhandig
The Neil Diamond Show
Tribute to Neil Diamond
On 6 July 2 2019 the artist William Warren appeared and entertain an almost full Apollo Theatre with a tribute to famous singer, Neil Diamond.William Warren, singer, songwriter, stage performer and also known as the Director: Photography and Film of the popular TV program, Voetspore